FOR DAD - You are the inspiration, the support and the freedom for me to be what I am. All my love and eternal thanks.

 "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Children get asked this question by every adult they meet. As children grow and learn more about the world, their possible answers become endless. Each day, they learn about new kinds of people doing new and exciting things. Children begin to dream big.

 In 1993, my father brought my brother and me to America so that we could answer this question any way we wanted to. I was emboldened by my family and my new surroundings to follow my passions, and that led me to where I am today. There is nothing more inspiring than a child's imagination leading him down the path he always dreamt of traveling.

 This year for Halloween, I asked these children what they wanted to be when they grew up, and these photos capture those answers. I encourage all of you to continue to dream big throughout your lives, be brave and never let anything stand in the way of your accomplishments. And, I hope that whatever you choose to be in the future, you have a smile on your face.

Miss Chloe wants to be an Olympian

Mister Greyson wants to be a Pilot

Miss Annalise wants to be an Information Technologist

Mister Jacob wants to be a Builder

Miss Emerson wants to be an Astronaut

Mister Jackson wants to be a Farmer

Miss Chloe wants to be a Baker

Mister Jacob wants to be a Football Player

Miss Maria wants to be a Doctor

Mister Kyrie wants to be a Rock Star

Miss Charlotte wants to be a Superhero

Mister Logan wants to be a Mailman

Miss Hayleigh wants to be a Veterinarian

Mister Connor wants to be a Professional Golfer

Miss Emily wants to be a Ballerina

Mister Grant wants to be a Firefighter

Miss Haley wants to be a Wellness Guru

Mister Gabriel wants to be a Lifeguard

Miss Emilia wants to be a Scientist

Mister Isaac wants to be a Photographer

Miss Annika wants to be a Chef

Mister Cody wants to be a Fisherman

Miss Oliva wants to be a Florist

Mister Abubakar wants to be a Mechanic

Miss Amelia wants to be a Teacher

Mister Benjamin wants to be a Drummer

Miss Madeline wants to be a Martial Artist

Mister Michael wants to be a Magician

Miss Rosie wants to be a Marine Biologist

Mister Xavier wants to be a Sailor

Miss Ruthie wants to be a Fashion Designer

Mister Carter wants to be an Archaeologist

Miss Kylie wants to be Santa’s Little Helper

Mister Nicky Wants to an Airman for the US Air Force

Thank you to the children and parents who helped to make this project possible.


