First of all, I'm excited that you're here. Most likely, you're reaching a huge point in your life and you want to remember all the intimate details involved. Telling your story is what I'm all about and deep relationships inspire me and are the reason I'm a photographer.

Let’s be honest.  There are a lot of photographers to choose from.  I can be overwhelming, but my hope is that you’ll find the perfect one for you.  I might not be that person, and that’s okay.  The biggest advice I would offer is to choose someone whose work inspires you and you feel emotionally connected to.  And, if you feel that way with me, let’s get in touch.  I would love to know you more.

Thank you,



I strive to capture the essence of emotions that are present in each milestone of life, whilst maintaining the romance, beauty and spirit of my clientele.


In 20 years you will look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you cannot grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you looked!

Kevin was born with the photography gene.  He was influenced by his grandfather, a wedding and beauty photographer in Vietnam in the 40s-50s.  Encouraged by his parents, Kevin was raised in an environment of creativity and originality.

 At the age of 14, Kevin took direct interest in taking pictures.  By the time he turned 19, he had shot his first professional beauty spread.  Since then, he has been involved in the world of photography, capturing unforgettable couples, weddings, children, and fashion series. 

In 2007, Kevin formed Kevin Le Photography, focused primarily on weddings and children. Kevin works closely with his clients to preserve the meaningful moments of their lives.  “I love photographing weddings and children.  People are happy and emotional because they are head over heels in love, and who doesn't love children!”

Kevin has a passion for creating elegant images of any situation.  His vision and enthusiasm creates wedding images with a mix of fashion, fine art and photojournalism.  "I believe in the connections between people.  Being able to capture lives well lived is very satisfying!"

David Woodall